Wednesday, May 4, 2011

coma slice

My biggest complaint with study is the homework. I love the learning, but the homework sucks. When I think that I've got another 12 months before I finish my Masters ... well, I try not to think about it. While everyone (mostly) was enjoying their break I was fighting with my archiving assignment. Going back to work on Wednesday it soon became apparent that I was the only one who hadn't spent the break in a sugar induced coma.

So to address this I decided to spend my Sunday correcting this. Thus the coma slice was born. I've put all the photos on flickr, so if you really want to know what went into it you can go there. I will put one pic up here. There are more on Facebook.


Don't ask me how much I've eaten. Most of it is gone now. I'm taking the last of it to work and the bloodbank. If you see your local librarian zooming around the library they may be running on coma slice. Just don't make any sudden moves. :)

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