Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Think before you blog

Normally I’m very good and not blogging while I’m angry/upset/frustrated. I’ve had overnight to think about this and I’m still angry, so I need to get it out. I’m very pissed off at where I work right now. I am much calmer than I was, and I resisted the urge to post from my phone (which would go straight to twitter/facebook). I have work friends on facebook, so venting there is not in my best interest.

So why am I angry? There have been a few resignations over the last month or so, and senior staff (band 6) are going off on holidays. There should have been a bunch of opportunities for other staff to back fill a bunch of these rolls. This did happen for most of the senior staff, but not all. One role was split between three band 5 staff. Not an issue, until it came to filling their roles. Those roles were not put up for back fill. Instead they were given to staff that had been interested in the band 6 roles. 

Now I had no interest in the band 6 roles, so I didn’t apply. But the band 4 and 5 roles that have been filled without any EOI are both roles that I’m interested in. I don’t have any hard feelings towards the people who got these temporary positions. What I’m pissed at is that I didn’t have an opportunity to apply. They are roles that I’ve helped with before, and I’d have been thrilled to do. Even if it is only for 8 weeks (full time), it would have been worth it. Hell, even if they’d split it into 4 weeks each between the two of us, I’d have been happy.

I’m not saying that I would have got the job over the other person, and I’m certainly not suggesting that she shouldn’t have been given a chance. What I’m saying is that everyone should have had that chance. It really isn’t fair that they have picked people who were interested in other roles to fill new gaps, and penalised staff that didn’t apply for roles that didn’t interest them. And as far as I’m concerned trying to justify not going through and EOI process because “we would still be doing them in August” is not an excuse. It’s a fucking cop out.

So, that’s why I’m angry. If I am still angry at the end of the week I will have to consider my options. Until then I will consult with Miss R & Hot Rod Librarian. And of course all of you.

Talk to me.


  1. I think I know of someone else who should be justifiably pissed about the way things have panned out, you've probably had more chance to talk to her than I have, I wouldnt be suprised if we have some very disgruntled people in out midst very soon (which I'll probably have to deal with!!!!!) You'd better get baking... Coma slice may be needed to get me through!

  2. I think it's going to take more than coma slice.

  3. That's pretty poor, but it's quite common. It's easier for management up until everyone figures out what's going on...
