Saturday, February 26, 2011

not sharing

Two posts in one day, scary stuffs. I hadn't planned on posting before bed, but Miss R said something that got me thinking.

I started playing with this as a way to get some of the crap circling in my head out. There was no real way of knowing that anyone would read it. I know some of us share the blog love, making sure that we comment on each other’s posts. We know each other, and are comfortable enough that we say what we like. Not all that different from how we are when we're actually together, but much easier than trying to find a time when all of us can be.

Still, there are things that I put on here that I don't share with Miss R. I don't blog or tweet specifically about her, but she does get referenced in quite a few. She is aware of this, and while not thrilled she understands the context. The other stuff we don’t discuss anymore because I know she’s reached her limit. There’s only so much you can take on before the presence of another woman in your partners head has you ready to kill. She has been exceptionally patient with my funk and hurt feelings, and equally forgiving towards Ms L (though I think given the chance she would smack Ms L down over hurting me and the way she has behaved towards me since the misunderstanding).

Since I can’t talk about this stuff with her anymore, the only way I can get it out (without driving anyone else insane) is here. So when Miss R asked if she could read my blog I said no. It got me thinking about some of the other blogs I read, and what other people think. Would you be in a hurry to let your partners read your blogs (assuming they had any interest, which isn’t always a given)?

For the record I am very comfortable with my decision. I don’t see any conflict in keeping this part of my life private. I am however curious about other peoples perspective.

For now I’m going to bed, otherwise I’ll be a complete zombie at work. 

Zombie Librarian wants “BOOOOOOOOOOOOOKS.”


  1. I understand the need to keep some semblance of privacy and to set boundaries. But I will admit that setting boundaries in regards to topics like you mentioned was a significant factor in the downfall of my relationship with Heidi. And to my credit I wasn't the one imposing the rules. I respect your decision, but maybe with time you'll reconsider. Just a thought.

  2. Interesting. I don't let Mr G read my blog. He could if he wanted since it's not private but I asked him not to and he's happy with that. On occasion I'll show him a particular post but that's it. Quite frankly, if he did read it, I'd get over it. I wouldn't be happy, but I'd understand.
    Also, I totally agree that sometimes it's best to vent on our blogs. I just realised how foul I've been in the past week. If I'd put my complaints online, I'm sure I would have been nicer. In fact...
