Monday, October 10, 2011

Still living …

Yep, I’m still alive. I apologise for any worry or concern I’ve caused. I’m fine, really. Mostly. Just the physical giving me grief. I’ve spent the last six days not touching the laptop, or much of anything really. Apart from going to work I have only left the house to go to the blood bank, and a trip to the market for more sugar (the cupcake ladies took pity on me and gave me a free cupcake). The rest of the time I have been on the couch, cradling my defective arm, consuming large amounts of sugar and painkillers, watching lots and lots of Dr Who.

I know I was leaving my box set until after I had finished with uni, but when you can’t use your dominant hand without shooting pains (even with enough drugs in you to down an elephant) then there really isn’t much else you can do with your time. Miss R is completely over Dr Who. She was even happy to let me watch some of the rugby. You know I’m not myself when I am willingly watching sport.

I am feeling better today. Pain is at a manageable point, so I am trying to get as much done as I can before my arm/hand packs it in again. Frustrating, but such is life. The last assignment isn’t due until the 21st, but I’m trying to get as much done as possible. Don’t want to end up in a position where it’s due and I can’t physically do anything. Which is why I spent the weekend doing nothing. Plus, cranky Hawm is nobody’s friend. So I channelled my inner couch gnome, and tried to relax.

While I’m not 100%, I managed to get through work and most of the day on minimal painkillers. I even managed to catch up on everything I’d left going on the laptop. Well, after I had to completely reboot it (twice), upgrade the anti-virus software (which had apparently disappeared after being corrupted), and ran a total system scan (which meant I couldn’t actually use it for two hours while it sorted its shit out).

I’ve got another appointment with the torture merchant on Wednesday. I always feel better (once the screaming stops). If I still feel like crap by Friday then I’ll go off and see the doc. Won’t be a great deal he can do, but I’ll go anyway. Ah, the joys of getting old.


  1. If you need it, I can do some typing/editing for you. You know where to find me 5 days a week.
    Big hug.

  2. I've only got my reading diary to finish, but thanks for the offer.
