Friday, December 17, 2010

inappropriate posts

Ok, so I got an email from a friend about posting on her blog. I of course then started thinking about this blog, and how neglected it has been. Though in truth it's not like anyone is following, so this is really not a big thing. But then I thought if no one is following this I can say whatever I want. This brings me back to the title of this post. It could also have been alternatively titled: "People who inexplicably (and unintentionally) attract indescrible amounts of drama into their lives."

The details of which are unimportant. Or in my case would be except for one small problem: the hole in my life, left by a certain individuals departure, is much larger than I had anticipated.

Granted that is rather cryptic description, but just because no one is reading right now does not mean no one will read it ever.


  1. So. That took a little under 3 weeks for someone to read it.
    I too am one of those people that attract drama. Most of it seems to be my fault. Because I'm stupidido. You're not though, so hopefully you'll be alright.

  2. I would be if I didn't still miss her :(
