No, my arm hasn't fallen off. My girls have broken up. More specifically, my lesbian girls. After 18 months of touring through Asia they finally came home in December. Some of you will have seen the many photos they sent me of their travels, (the rat temple always springs to mind). Anyway the girls were supposed to stay and feed the kitties while Ren and I went north for christmas. Ms S stayed. Ms B didn't. It is a rather shitty thing to be dumped on christmas day, somehting that Ms S and I now have in common.
Now I'm no expert on relationships. In fact 9 times out of 10 I am the last to know when someone is interested in me, ditto for when they decided they are no longer interested. But this one I actually saw coming. Perhaps it is because Ms B and I are very similiar in age (8 days apart) and temperament. Or perhaps it is the fact that sometimes two people reach a point where they both want very different things. Some times, despite both parties best efforts, what was there in the beginning just goes. It's no one's fault, and there's nothing that any one can do about it. But how do you tell someone, after three years together, that this isn't what you want anymore?
I know one thing. You don't dump them on christmas day. Holidays are fucked up enough without adding that shit.
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