Sunday, January 9, 2011

more library thing and planned distractions

715 books later and I've nearly finished all the books in the house. As far as projects go this one has kept me busy. Unfortunately I only have two more shelves to go. Once I've done those, and sorted out the books I remember reading, but don't actually have a physical copy  of (for whatever reason), the project will be over. So then what?

Uni doesn't go back for a while, so I will need to find something else to keep my mind occupied. I have half a dozen books from the library to read, but even those won't keep me going for long. So rather than dwell on my lousy judgement, I am making play dates with some of my girls.

Will catch up with both Ms S and Miss T tomorrow afternoon. Have a movie play date with Ms Ali on Tuesday (we had picked a suitably trashy movie, but it looks like that one doesn't open until Thursday). Miss R and I are going to see "Tangled" on Monday night. Also spending Thursday with the ladies @ the blood bank. Hopefully no bruises this week. Left arm is still bruised from last visit, so they'll have to wade through the scar tissue in my right arm. I may take an ice pack, just in case.

Of course the highlight of this weekend will be the practice pavlova I'm making tomorrow. Got to make sure I have the perfect pav for Miss A's bbq. 

Baking makes most things better. Probably because we can eat our mistakes.

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